


Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake With Chocolate Frosting / Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

I made Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake for Aval Kitchen’s December 2015 Issue. They asked five cake recipes. I waited to post this recipe, after the book was released. I referred this cake recipe from gayathri’s cook spot. The taste was awesome. My son likes it very much. Soon I will post other four cake recipes also.
Now let us see how to make Chocolate Cup Cake

Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Preparation time      - 30 minutes
Baking time             - 20 minutes
Serves                      - 12 cup cake

Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Maida - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 cup
Veg oil - ¼ cup
Milk         - ½ cup
Boiling water - ½ cup
Cocoa powder - ¼ cup + 1/8 cup
Baking powder - ¾ tsp
Baking soda - ¾ tsp
Salt        - ½ tsp
Vanilla essence - 1 tsp
Curd - ½ cup
For Chocolate Buttercream Frosting:
Butter         - 70 gms
Icing Sugar         - 230 gms
Cocoa powder         - 65 gms
Milk or Fresh cream - 4 tblsp
Vanilla Essence         - 1 tsp
Sift maida, cocoa powder, baking powder, baking soda and salt. Add oil, curd, milk and vanilla essence in a bowl.
Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Beat well. Now add sugar and beat again. Add it to the flour mixture and mix gently.
Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Add boiling water and mix the batter well. Pre heat oven to 180 degree for about 10 minutes. Line muffin tray with liners. Fill the cup cake liner to 2/3 rd.
Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

 Bake in the pre heated ovenfor 15 to 20 minutes or till a skewer comes out clean. Once done, remove from oven and cool for two minutes and then remove the cup cake from the muffin tray.

Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Chocolate butter cream frosting:
Beat icing sugar, milk and butter till fluffy with a beater.
Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Add in cocoa powder and vanilla essence and beat well. Fill it in the icing pipe with required nozzle.
Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Squeeze it over the cake.
Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Sprinkle sweet balls over the chocolate frosting.

Eggless Chocolate Cup Cake Recipe

Bake the cake according to your oven. Mine baked in 15 to 17 minutes.
You frost the cake, after it is completely cool.
If you frost when the cake is hot, the frosting will melt.
If you feel the batter is watery, you can add maida one tablsp.


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