


Kambu Koozh Vadam

Kambu Koozh Vadam
Kambu Koozh Vadam / Bajra Flour Vadam 
Kambu is known as bajra in hindi and as pearl millet in English. I saw this recipe in one tv show in which my friend Krishna kumarai did this recipe. I tried with little changes.

Kambu Koozh Vadam

Many people will not like the  colour of kambu. So I tried kambu koozh vadam little. But the taste of the vadam is very nice. Even my son liked Kambu vadam.
Now let us see how to make kambu vadam

Kambu Koozh Vadam

Preparation time - 15 minutes
Cooking time -  20 minutes
Yield - 100 gms
Kambu Flour (pearl millet) - 1 cup
Rice flour       - ¼ cup
Asafoetida       - 2 pinch
Cumin - ½ tsp
Red chilli seeds - ½ tsp
Water - 3 cups
Salt        - to taste
Add kambu flour, rice flour, asafoetida, cumin seeds, chilli seeds and salt in a thick bottomed vessel. Add water and mix well without lumps.
Kambu Koozh Vadam

 Cook in the slow flame. Stirring continuously till the flour is cooked. when you touch the flour it shouldn’t stick on the finger and that is consistency, then you can switch off the stove.
Kambu Koozh Vadam

Place a plastic sheet or cloth in the sun and put this flour in to tiny bits. Dry well.
Kambu Koozh Vadam

When it is completely dry sprinkle little water in the reverse side of cloth and peel all the vadams and again dry in the hot sun.  
Kambu Koozh Vadam

It will take 2 to 3 days. Heat little oil in a pan and fry this vadam. Serve with rice or serve as a snack.

Kambu Koozh Vadam

You can add lime juice also.
Cook well or else the vadam will split while drying.
Add spice of your choice.

Kambu Koozh Vadam


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