


Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle

Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle
Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle
When I was searching tender coconut recipes I saw tendercoconut strawberry popsicle recipe. I had kiwi  and strawberry so I added both the fruits. The taste was good.

Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle

Now let us see how to make
Preparation time                             - 10 minutes
Freezing time                                 - 12 hours
Yield                                               - 4 popsicles
Tendercoconut Water                   - 2 cup
Tender Coconut                           - 4 tsp
Kiwi                                            - 1
Strawberry                                  - 4
Powdered sugar                          - 3  tablsp
Cut the tender coconut and collect water in a bowl.Cut tender coconut into tiny pieces. Peel kiwi and cut into thin slices. 
Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle

Cut strawberry in to thin slices. Add powdered sugar in the coconut water and mix it well. 

Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle

Add coconut water in the popsicle mould. Add kiwi slices and strawberry slices.
Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle

 Add chopped tender coconut pieces and close the mould. Freeze for 12 hours. 

Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle

Show the mould in the running water and remove the popsicle carefully from the mould and serve.

Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle

Add sugar according to your taste.
Add fruits of your choice. You can add black grapes also.

Tendercoconut Kiwi Popsicle


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