


Kesar Peda

Kesar Peda
Kesar Peda
Kesar peda is a easy recipe. we can make in 10 to 20 minutes if we have kova. My son likes peda very much. Whenever we go to Bangalore we used to buy Nandini Pedas. I made kesar peda a long time back. I reserved to post  for new year 2015. I have arranged in adyar ananda bhavan box for photo session. My son asked me when did you buy? I was really happy. Let us see how to make peda.
Kesar Peda

Kesar Peda Ingredients:
Sugarless Kova - 1 ½ cup
Sugar - ½ cup
Saffron - 10 strands
Milk - 1 tblsp
Cardamom - 1 pinch
Ghee - 1 tsp
Pistachios - 10
Kesar Peda Method:
Add sugarless kova in a pan and stir for few minutes. When it melts add sugar and stir continuously till sugar melts.
Kesar Peda

 Add saffron in warm milk and add to the kova and stir. Put the stove in low flame. Add cardamom powder.
Kesar Peda Stir till the kova leaves the sides of the pan. Put it in the plate. Keep aside for cooling. When it is warm grease the hand with ghee and knead into a smooth dough.
Kesar Peda

Make amla size ball and press in the centre. Chop pista finely.
Kesar Peda

 Put pista granules in the dent of the peda.
Kesar Peda

Keep on stirring the entire recipe or else kova will stick on the bottom of the pan.
Cook entire recipe in the medium or low flame.
Add sugar according to your taste. Above quantity is enough for me.
Kesar Peda


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