


Milk Burfi

Milk Burfi
Milk Burfi
Gokulashtami is fast approaching. Lord Krishna likes milk and milk sweets. So It is the right time to post the milk burfi recipe. It is an easy recipe but a time consuming recipe. If you want to do the recipe quickly, you can make it with store bought kova. But the taste will be good in the home  made one.
Milk Burfi

Let us see the recipe
Cooking time                     - 1 hour
Serves                                  - 4 to 6
Milk                       - 1 litre
Sugar                     - 5 ½ tablsp
Pista                      - 5
Badam                  - 5
Saffron                 - few
Cardamom          - ¼ tsp
Ghee                     - 1+ 1 (burfi, greasing)
Boil milk in a heavy bottomed vessel. When it comes to boil you low the flame.   Stir often to avoid overflow. 
Milk Burfi

Boil till it reaches thick consistency. Then add sugar and cook till it melts. Keep on stirring till it becomes a thick mass. Add ghee and cardamom powder and mix well.
Milk Burfi

 Slice the nuts and add to the burfi. Grease the tray with ghee. 
Milk Burfi

Pour the burfi in the tray and sprinkle sliced nuts and saffron. 
Milk Burfi

Cut into required shape.

Milk Burfi

Use nonstick pan to avoid sticking at the bottom.
It will take one hour so you can use induction stove .

If you want smooth texture you can knead the burfi well after cooling. Roll in the butter paper and cut.

Milk Burfi


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