


Vazhakkai Poriyal

Vazhakkai Poriyal

Vazhakkai Poriyal is a common recipe made in almost all south Indian Homes. It is made out of raw plantain or Vazhakkai.  It is easy to make and is an ideal side dish for rice and sambar. 
Vazhakkai Poriyal is made out of lots of variations and the most simple recipe is the one that is pre boiled and fried. It is often seasoned with mustard urad dhal and green chillies.

It goes well with any type of rice recipe and is ideal for Sambhar rice and afternoon lunch.
Here goes the Vazhakkai Poriyal Recipe:
Vazhakkai Poriyal

Vazhakkai Poriyal Ingredients:
Vazhakkai - 1
Onion -1
Green chilli - 1
Curry leaves - few
Coconut - 2 tblsp
Turmeric powder    - 1/4 tsp
Salt - to taste
Oil - 2 tsp
Mustard - ¼ tsp
Urad dal - ¼ tsp

Vazhakkai Poriyal Method:
Peel and chop the vazhakkai in to small bits. Slit the green chilli. Grate the coconut.
Vazhakkai Poriyal

 Cook vazhakkai with salt and water. Drain the water. Heat oil in a frying pan and add mustard and urad dal.
Vazhakkai Poriyal

When they crackle add onion, green chilli and curry leaves and sauté for few minutes.
Vazhakkai Poriyal

Add cooked vazhakkai and grated coconut and stir well and serve with any type of rice vareities.

If you want you can add little turmeric powder while cooking the vazhakkai.
You can add red chilli  instead of greenchilli for seasoning .

Vazhakkai Poriyal


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