


Spicy Pasta

Spicy Pasta
Spicy Pasta
Pasta is an Italian food. But nowadays it is popular all over the World. Now many big companies in India are coming out with easy to make,ready to eat  pasta. But these will have a different taste which you may like or not. There are many ways to make simple, easy and nice recipes. Pasta comes in different shape and sizes and you can choose one that suits you.  We can make different types of recipes in pasta. Here  I have made a simple and easy recipe for you. You can try it out today itself .

Spicy Pasta

Now let us see the recipe.
Spicy Pasta Ingredients:
Pasta - 250 gms
Onion - 1
Capsicum         - 1
Garlic flakes - 6
Olive oil         - 2 tblsp
Butter - 1 tblsp
Cheese - 3 tblsp
Chilli flakes - ½ tsp
Pepper powder - ½ tsp
Oregano         - ½ tsp
Salt           - to taste
Spicy Pasta Method:
Cook pasta with salt and one tsp oil. Drain water and keep aside.
Spicy Pasta
Chop onion, capsicum and garlic flakes finely.  Heat olive oil and butter in a pan and add onion, garlic flakes and capsicum and sauté for a while.
Spicy Pasta

Add salt (remember we have added salt while cooking pasta) and pepper powder and stir.
Spicy Pasta

 Add cooked pasta, chilli flakes and oregano and mix well.
Spicy Pasta

Serve hot with grated cheese.

Spicy Pasta

Don’t overcook the veggies. Crunchiness of the veggies gives nice taste to pasta.
Adding of oil while cooking pasta helps to prevent stickiness.
Cheese gives rich taste to pasta. If you want you can add or avoid it too.

Spicy Pasta


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