


Nungu Juice / Ice Apple Juice

Nungu Juice / Ice Apple Juice
Nungu Juice
Heat of sun is increasing day by day. So the summer season is extended. We need some chilled food to beat the heat. I tried nungu juice. It is extremely good. It is very healthy to drink. Nungu and lime combination worked good.
Nungu Juice / Ice Apple Juice

Let us see how to make nungu (ice apple) Juice
Preparation time - 10 minutes
Cooking time - No
Serves - 2
Nungu Juice Ingredients:
Nungu (ice apple) - 4
LemonJuice - 2 tblsp
Sugar - 2 tblsp
Water - 2 cups
Nungu Juice Method:
Peel the cream colour outer skin of nungu. Add nungu and sugar in a blender and blend well.
Nungu Juice / Ice Apple Juice

Then add lime juice and water and again blend well.
Nungu Juice / Ice Apple Juice

Add ice cubes and serve chill.

Nungu Juice / Ice Apple Juice

Add sugar and lime juice according to your taste.
You can add I tsp  of honey also.
Nungu Juice / Ice Apple Juice


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