


Corn Capsicum Pizza

Corn Capsicum Pizza
Corn Capsicum Pizza
Pizza is a kid’s favorite party  recipe. Now a days Each and every child celebrates their birthday in pizza huts. It is not good for health. But once in a while they have it. My son also likes pizza. He doesn’t like most veggies. But he likes all the veggies topped in the pizza. He is a big of pizza. He asks me to make often. But I make once in a while. Yesterday I posted how to make pizza base. Today I am going to make corn capsicum pizza. Let us see how to make

Corn Capsicum Pizza

Preparation time                                  - 20 minutes.
Baking time                                          - 15 minutes for each pizza
Serves                                                  - 3
Pizza base                                           - 3
Mozarilla cheese                                  - 1 cup
Pizza sauce                                         - 3 tablsp
Onion                                                - 1
Red capsicum                                    - 1 cup
Green capsicum                                 - 1 cup
Sweet corn kernels                             - 1 cup
Chiili flakes                                        - 1 tsp
Oregano                                              - 1 tsp
Chop onion, green and red capsicum in to cubes. Grate the cheese. Spread pizza sauce over the pizza. 
Corn Capsicum Pizza

Arrange the veggies over it. Sprinkle cheese over it. 
Corn Capsicum Pizza

Preheat the oven to 210 degrees for about 10 minutes. Bake 15 minutes. 
Corn Capsicum Pizza

Sprinkle chilli flakes and oregano over it and serve.

Corn Capsicum Pizza

Baking time may vary according to your oven. So please check.
You can add any seasoning of your choice.
You can use tomato sauce instead of pizza sauce.

Corn Capsicum Pizza


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