


Good Natural Vaseline

Good Natural Vaseline
You might be using Vaseline to soften your elbows or feet, especially when they are very dry or scaly, do you know that Vaseline is a bye product of Petroleum waste?

When I was using Vaseline my hubby used to warn me of the petroleum raw material used in the Vaseline. As the summer is fading out and the winter is fast approaching, I decided to make my own Vaseline with natural ingredients like Bees wax and Olive Oil.

I just Googled and got many sites explaining the simple procedures and recipes involved in Natural Vaseline making. During that process I came across  which impressed me much and I was just astonished to see the number of Health and Beauty recipes covered by its author Mrs. Ramya Venkateswaran. Well Done Ramya!

I have a lot of recipes with me for health and beauty care, henceforth I will be also posting a few of them. If you like them and if it is useful you can share them among your friends.
Good Natural Vaseline

Good Natural Vaseline

Next time you want to use Vaseline, do not use the petroleum based one, instead you can grab these two ingredients and make your own simple Home Made Vaseline or Good Natural Vaseline. It is so simple and it can be made in 10 minutes, if you have the bees wax and Olive Oil right away.
Now let us make Home Made Vaseline or Good Natural Vaseline.

Good Natural Vaseline Ingredients

                                    Beeswax                      30 Gms (3 tblsp)
                                    Olive Oil                      120 ML (1/2 cup)

Good Natural Vaseline Method:

If you have beeswax pellets which are small button like structures it will make your job easier. If not just grate the beeswax or cut the beeswax into small pieces.

Good Natural Vaseline

Mix Olive oil and bees wax and slightly heat in  double boil method. 

Good Natural Vaseline

You can place a small vessel into a bigger one containing water and just boil in low flame.
Good Natural Vaseline

 Use a useless old vessel or else it may be difficult to wash it off. Mix Olive oil and bees wax and pour into the small container.
Good Natural Vaseline

When it melts slowly stir and mix well with a wooden stick. 
Good Natural Vaseline

When it is completely dissolved you can remove from the flame and allow it to cool.

Good Natural Vaseline

You can store it in the Container when it is warm.
Good Natural Vaseline

When it is cooling you can add a few drops of any one natural oil such as Sandal, Lavender or Lemon Grass or else you can leave it to smell naturally.
Good Natural Vaseline

Try this Good Natural Vaseline health recipe and share your comments here.
Good Natural Vaseline


Before it completely cools down, pour it in an appropriate container which has a wide mouth and nice cap.
You can use coconut oil 1/4 cup and olive oil 1/4 cup also.

Good Natural Vaseline


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