


Chocolate Peda Recipe

Chocolate  Peda Recipe
Chocolate  Peda / Chocolate Milk Peda
Chocolate Peda is an easy recipe, even the kids can also make.  If you have kova and cocoa powder, you can make it in just 15 minutes. 

Chocolate  Peda Recipe

Let us see how to make Chocolate Peda
Here is the quick video

Preparation time                                - 10 minutes
Cooking tome                                  - 15 minutes
Yield                                               - 20 padas (depends on size)  

Sugarless Kova                                  - 1 ½ cup
Sugar                                                 - ½ cup
Cocoa Powder                                   - 1 ½ tablsp
Ghee                                                   - 3 tsp
Pistachios                                           - 10
Add  kova in a pan and stir for few minutes.Stir till it melts.When it melts add cocoa powder.

Chocolate  Peda Recipe

Add ghee and stir continuously till it mix well. Put the stove in low flame.Stir till the kova leaves the sides of the pan. 
Chocolate  Peda Recipe

When it is warm grease the hand with ghee and knead into a smooth dough. Make amla size ball and press in the centre.
Chocolate  Peda Recipe

Chop pista finely.Make all the dough like this.

Chocolate  Peda Recipe

Put pista granules in the dent of the peda.

Chocolate  Peda Recipe

I used sweetened kova . So I did  not add sugar.
If you use sweetless kova , add it in the pan and stir for few minutes. When it melts add sugar. Stir continuously till sugar melts. Then follow above method.
You can use any nuts of your choice.

Chocolate  Peda Recipe


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