


Nendran Banana Halwa

Nendran Banana Halwa
Nendran Banana Halwa / Kerala Banana Halwa 
Nendran Banana Halwa is a kerala recipe, as nendran is available in plenty only in kerala. It is good for health and is a tasty recipe. Recently when we went to Kozhikode we saw vendors selling nendran halwa in railway stations. We tried it, it was nice. At that time I decided to make this nendran halwa recipe. I tried recently and it came out very well. You can also try this and enjoy.

Nendran Banana Halwa

Come let us see how to make Nendran Banana Halwa
Preparation time - 15 minutes
Cooking time - 45 minutes
Yield - 16 pieces
Nendran banana - 4
Sugar - 1 cup + 2 tablsp
Ghee - ¼ cup
Cardamom powder - ¼ tsp
Cashew - 10
Select black skin nendran banana. Peel the skin. Chop into round slices.

Nendran Banana Halwa

Grind it in the mixie. Heat little ghee in a pan and fry cashews. Remove and keep aside.

Nendran Banana Halwa

In the same pan add banana pulp and sauté few minutes. Add sugar and stir it dissolves. Add ghee in between.

Nendran Banana Halwa

 Add cashew and cardamom when ghee oozes out from the halwa. When the halwa comes to thick mass,
Nendran Banana Halwa

Pour it in the ghee greased tray. Cut in to slices when it is cool.

Nendran Banana Halwa

 Garnish with cashew and serve.

Nendran Banana Halwa

Add any nuts of your choice.
Adjust sugar according to your taste.
It is good for two days in room temperature. After that you can refrigerate and use.

Nendran Banana Halwa


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