


Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle

Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle
Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle
Last year I made several recipes in nungu. Nungu is known as ice apple in English. Last week I went to suriya greens and bought two packet of nungu. I made nunguppaal, nungu smoothie and nungu popsicle. First I started with nungu popsicle. It was simple, easy and apt recipe for the summer. The taste was awesome. Kids will enjoy to eat this popsicle because of jelly texture.

Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle

Now let us see how to make
Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle

Preparation time                 - 10 minutes
freezing time                     - overnight
Yields                               - 8 small popsicle      
Iceapple (Nungu) - 6
Boiled milk - 1 ½ cup
Sugar - 3 tablsp
Cardamom powder - 1 pinch (optional)
Peel ice apple and chop into small cubes. Blend it coarsely.
Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle

 Add ground ice apple in the milk. Add sugar and mix well.
Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle

Fill it in the popsicle mould and freeze for about 8 hours or overnight. Show the mould in the running water and remove carefully from the mould.
Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle

Serve immediately.

Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle

If you want you can add any flavor of your choice (cardamom, saffron or vanilla). I like iceapple’s original taste so I did not add any flavor.
If you want jelly like texture, you can grind ice apple coarsely.

Ice Apple Popsicle / Nungu Popsicle