


Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe
Sweet Appam / Chettinad Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe
Sweet kuzhipaniyaram is an easy recipe. Whenever I make kuzhipaniyaram, I take one cup batter before adding salt for Sweet Appam / Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe. It is so soft and spongy . I have already posted kara kuzhi paniyaram.

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe

Now let us how to make sweet kuzhi paniyaram

Preparation time - 4 hours
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Yield - 28
For Batter:
Raw rice - ½ cup
Boiled rice - ½ cup
Urad dal - ¼ cup
Fenugreek -  ½ tsp
For appam:
Jaggery - 1 cup
Ghee,Oil - 4 tablsp
Coconut - ½ cup
Cardamom powder - ¼ tsp

Wash raw rice, boiled rice, urad dal and fenugreek and soak all together for about 4 hours. Then grind this in a grinder to a smooth thick batter. Ferment this batter for 6 hours.

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe

 Dissolve the jaggery in little water and strain it.  Grate the coconut. Add jaggery syrup, coconut and cardamom powder and mix well.

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe

Heat kuzhi paniyaram pan with little oil or ghee and add this batter in the kuzhies(grooves).

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe

Close the pan with a lid and cook.  Cook both the sides well.

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe

Add the batter half in the kuzhies or else it will come out  while cooking.

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe

You can use idly rice and maavu pacharisi.
Don't add more water while grinding the rice.
Don’t add more water, while dissolving the jaggery syrup. If you add more, then the appam will be flat.
Don’t ferment the batter for more than 6 hours. 6 hours is enough.

Sweet Kuzhi Paniyaram Recipe


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