


Custard Powder Halwa Recipe

Custard Powder Halwa Recipe
Custard Powder Halwa / How to make Custard powder Halwa
Custard powder halwa is a very easy recipe. Even beginners can  make it just like that. I saw this halwa recipe in some food blogs. So i decided to make this halwa recipe for this year diwali sweet recipes.I made this halwa three months back for diwali sweet recipes. The taste was very good. Now its a time to post.

Custard Powder Halwa Recipe

Let us see how to make Custard powder Halwa
Here is the quick video

Preparation Time - 20 minutes
Cooking time - 20 minutes
Serves -
Custard powder - ½ cup
Sugar - 1 ½ cup
Water - 2 cup
Ghee - 2 tablsp + 1 tsp for greasing
Cashew nut - 6 broken
Cardamom powder - pinch
 Add sugar, custard powder and water in a non- stick pan and stir well with stirrer till the sugar dissolves.
Custard Powder Halwa Recipe

Then put the pan in the stove and start cooking in the medium flame. Stir continuously. Add ghee in between.
Custard Powder Halwa Recipe

The mixture leaves the sides of the pan add cardamom powder and cashews and mix well. Halwa comes to transparent Stage you can switch off the stove.

Custard Powder Halwa Recipe

Grease a plate or tray with ghee. Pour it on the greased tray. Keep it for one hour then invert the tray in the plate and cut in to squares.
Custard Powder Halwa Recipe

Garnish with cashews.

Custard Powder Halwa Recipe

It will be good for two days in the room temperature. After two days you can refrigerate.
Add nuts of your choice.
Stir continuously to avoid lumps.
First you can mix it well without lumps then you can put it in the stove.
I used vanilla custard powder so I did not add any essence. If you want you can add any essence of your choice.

Custard Powder Halwa Recipe


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