


Besan Flour Burfi Recipe

Besan Flour Burfi Recipe
Besan Flour Burfi Recipe / Kadalai Maavu Burfi
Besan Flour Burfi Recipe is an easy and tasty recipe. It is not like our usual Mysore pak. When I was young my mother used to make mysore pak for every diwali. We did not like it at that time. But nowadays I like it very much (not like Krishna sweet). Mysore Pak is a difficult recipe to make. Besan burfi is similar to that. I tried it. It came out very well. Let us see how to make Besan Flour Burfi

Besan Flour Burfi Recipe
Here is the quick video

Preparation time - 10 minutes
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Yields - 25 pieces
Besan flour(kadalai mavu) - 1 cup
Sugar - 2 cup
Oil - ½ cup
Ghee - ¼ cup
Water - ½ cup
Add sugar and water in a pan and boil till it dissolves. Strain it and again boil.
Mysore Pak Recipe

 If you put one drop sugar syrup in a bowl of water. It will roll like a ball in water if you take it out it will dissolve.
Mysore Pak Recipe

You sprinkle besan flour little by little and mix it well with sugar syrup without lumps. Then add oil and ghee and stir continuously.
Mysore Pak Recipe

At once the mixture leaves the sides of the pan and the ghee oozes out. At this stage switch off the stove and pour it in the greased plate.
Mysore Pak Recipe

Then cut in to required size when it is warm.

Besan Flour Burfi Recipe

Don’t cut the burfi when it is hot.
You can mix besan flour and sugar syrup in the kitchen top to avoid lumps. Then put it in the stove and stir.


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