


Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice
Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

Usually, I order veg fried rice and gobi 65 or gobi Manchurian, whenever we go to restaurants.
Veg fried rice is an easy recipe, but the only laborious thing is cutting the vegetables. When the rice and vegetables are ready we can make fried rice in a few minutes. Veg fried rice goes well with side dishes such as kadai paneer , tawa paneer ...
Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

Now let us see how to make Veg Fried Rice /Chinese Fried Rice
Preparation time - 30 minutes
Cooking time - 30 minutes
Serves - 2
Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

Cooked basmati rice - 2 cups
Carrot - 1 small
Beans - 6
Capsicum chopped - ½ cup
Cabbage chopped - ½ cup
Spring onion white - ¼ cup
Spring onion green - ¼ cup
Garlic - 5 cloves
Soya sauce - ½ tsp
Pepper - 1 tsp
Oil - 2 tblsp
Salt - to taste
Cook basmati rice to a grainy texture and keep aside. Chop the veggies finely. Chop garlic finely.

Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

 Heat oil in a pan and add garlic and spring onion white and sauté for a few seconds. Then add chopped carrot and beans and stir for about five minutes. Then add capsicum and cabbage and stir continuously for about five minutes.

Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

 Add soya sauce and stir well. Add pepper powder and salt and mix thoroughly.

Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

Add spring onion and saute few seconds. Finally add the rice and mix gently.

Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

Garnish with spring onion and serve hot with any side dish of your choice.

Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice

The most important thing of fried rice is to cook basmati rice to a grainy texture.
When you sauté veggies don’t close the pan with a lid to cook. It will become mushy and loose the colour.
For mild flavor you can add white pepper powder.

Veg Fried Rice / Chinese Fried Rice


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