


Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham

Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham
Neerakaaram is also known as Neechathannee in chettinad. In olden days people have been using it regularly especially during summer. They cooked rice in mud pot so the neeragaram was more tasty. It has got many benefits and it is just simple. Neer + agaram means watery food (neer means water and agaram means food ) in tamil.
Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham

It is the best summer cooler. We can take neeragaram regularly in empty stomach. It will heal all stomach problems in summer and cool the body.
It contains good bacterias required for stomach and digestion. It is a very good remedy for ulcer, stomach pain and allergy too.
Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham

Now let us see how to make neeragaram

Preparation time       - overnight
Cook time               - no
Serves                    - 2

Neeragaram Ingredients:
Left over rice - 1 cup
Boiled rice water - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup
Salt - to taste
Curd - ¼ cup
Small onion - 4
Green chilli - 1
Mor milagai - 2
Neeragaram Method:
Add one cup water to the left over rice.
Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham

cover with a lid and keep it  over night. Water in the sauce pan is called vadithakanji (strained rice water).

Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham

 Next day morning mash the rice with hand or ladle.Add boiled and strained rice water, salt and curd.
Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham
 Mix it well like porridge consistency.
Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham

 Drink it with small onion, green chilli, mor milagai or mango pickle or any other side dish of your choice.

Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham

If you don’t have rice boiled water you can add water.
If you cook rice in the rice cooker you can use ordinary  water.
You can crush mor milagai and add to the neeragaram and drink.
Chop onion and green chilli finely and add to the neeragaram.

Neeragaram / Pazhaya Satham


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