


Black Jamun Ice Cream

Black Jamun Ice Cream

Black jamun is known as Black berry, Jamoon, Naaval pazham, Naga pazham and so on. In Tamil it is known as Naval Pazham. The seed is also used in various alternative healing systems like Ayurveda (to control diabetes), Unani and Chinese medicine. Dried extract of the seeds reduces the blood sugar and glucosuria. Black Jamun is a good source of vitamin c and also rich in calcium and phosphorus. It is a seasonal fruit. It comes only in June, July and August.
According to Hindu tradition, Rama existed on the fruit in the forest for 14 years during his exile from Ayodhya. Because of this, many Hindus called black jamun as a 'fruit of the gods,' especially in Gujarat, India. Lord Krishna has been described as having skin in the color of Black jamun.  Black jamun is a good anti oxidant also.

Black Jamun Ice Cream

When I tried this recipe for the first time, It came out very well and the taste was very good. Colour of the recipe was appealing. It is a diabetic recipe too.

Black Jamun Ice Cream

Black Jamun Ice Cream Ingredients:
Black jamun - 25
Milk - 1 ¼ cup
Cornflour - 1 tblsp
Sugar - 2 tblsp

Black Jamun Ice Cream Method:
 Deseed the black jamun and grind it in a mixie smoothly.
Black Jamun Ice Cream

Mix corn flour in ¼ cup of milk without lumps and keep aside. Boil the remaining 1 cup of milk with sugar. Add the corn flour - milk mixture in the boiling milk and cook on a slow flame till it coats the back of a spoon, While stirring continuously.
Black Jamun Ice Cream

 Keep aside to cool completely.
Black Jamun Ice Cream

Add black jamun pulp in the milk- corn flour mixture (if you want to add sugar substitute instead of sugar, you can add in this stage) and blend it well in the mixie. Pour this mixture into a freezer safe container and 
  freeze for about 3 to 4 hours. 
Black Jamun Ice Cream

After 4 hours blend the mixture again in the mixie and pour back into the same container. Freeze for 6 to 8 
hours or till the ice cream is set. Serve chilled.

Black Jamun Ice Cream

For diabetic recipe you can add low fat milk and sugar substitute for milk and sugar.
Adjust sugar according to your taste.

Black Jamun Ice Cream


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