


Orange Jelly

Orange Jelly
Orange Jelly / Orange Jelly With Agar Agar
Orange Jelly is a unique nice recipe which I recently saw in a tv cookery show. As soon as I saw it I decided to make it, as it is simple, natural and looks awesome. It includes natural sea weed china grass  so it is very good for health.
Orange Jelly

 Kids taking artificial jelly can take this and be benefitted.You can also try this easy awesome recipe your self and share your comments with me.
Video of how to make orange jelly is down below

Preparation time         - 10 minutes
Cooking time - 5 minutes
Serves - 4
Orange juice - 300 ml
Water - 200 ml
Agar agar        - 5 grams
Sugar - ¼ cup (60 grams)
Orange essence - ¼ tsp
Orange food colour - pinch
Cut the orange into half and scoop the fleshy portion inside without demaging the skin and blend well in a mixer(discard the seeds).
Orange Jelly

Strain the juice. Add water in a  pan and boil.
Orange Jelly

Add agar agar and allow it to dissolve completely. Orange Jelly

Then add sugar, orange juice and colour(if necessary).
Orange Jelly

Then allow it to let it slightly cool. When it becomes luke warm fill in the orange skin cups and refrigerate for about 10 to 20 minutes.

Orange Jelly

 When it is set cut into half and serve.

Orange Jelly

Remove the seeds and blend the orange.
Cut agar agar into small bits and add to the water.
If you want you can add colour or else leave it.

Orange Jelly


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