


Strawberry Sorbet

Strawberry Sorbet
Strawberry Sorbet / Strawberry Recipes
I have three more recipes in strawberry to post. They are strawberry sorbet, strawberry granita and strawberry banana popsicle. Strawberry season is almost over. You can substitute strawberry with water melon or mango also.

Strawberry Sorbet

Preparation time - 15 minutes
Freezing time - 12 hours
Yield - 4 to 5 scoops
Strawberry - 100 gms
Sugar - 50 gms (1/4 cup)
Water - ½ cup + ¼ cup
Lime - ½
Make sugar syrup with ½ cup of water and allow it to cool. Clean and wash the strawberry.
Strawberry Sorbet

Add strawberry in a mixie and Grind well.  Add lemon juice, ¼ cup of water and sugar syrup and blend well.
Strawberry Sorbet

Pour it in the freezer safe container and freeze it.  After two hours take out and scratch with a fork or blend it in the mixer.
Strawberry Sorbet

Repeat this process two to three times then only the sorbet will be smooth.  Then freeze for about 6 to 8 hours or overnight. Scoop and serve.

Strawberry Sorbet

You can add water and sugar according to your taste.
Don’t make the strawberry syrup thick.
Diluted syrup will freeze quickly.

Strawberry Sorbet


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