


Sambaram / Spicy Buttermilk

Sambaram / Spicy Buttermilk
 Sambaram, spiced buttermilk, is a famous Kerala refresher drink which was traditionally served to guests. It is also served as part of the Kerala Sadya. It is a cool and energizing drink for hot summer days. It works well in digestion also.
               It has many variations in many parts of India like the neer mor or masala mor from Tamil Nadu, spicy lassi from Punjab, chaas from Gujarat and Rajasthan, Masala majjige from karnataka etc.

Sambaram / Spicy Buttermilk

Now let us see how to make sambaram
Prep time – 5 minutes
Cook time – no
Serves  - 2
Sambaram Ingredients:
Thick curd - 1 cup
Water - 1 cup
Green chilli - 1
Curry leaves - few
Ginger chopped - ¼ tsp
Salt         - to taste
Sambaram Method:
Chop greenchilli, ginger and curry leaves finely.
Sambaram / Spicy Buttermilk

Add curd, green chilli, ginger, curry leaves and salt in a vessel and stir with a whisk.
Sambaram / Spicy Buttermilk

Serve chill.

Sambaram / Spicy Buttermilk

If you want you can filter and drink.
You can add one pinch of asafoetida also.



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