


Nungu Sarbath

Nungu Sarbath
Nungu Sarbath / Ice Apple Sarbath
Nungu (ice apple) and nannari (sarasaparilla) are the best summer coolers. Both combined , give best cooling effect to the body. Southern part of Tamil Nadu is famous for nungu sarbath in summer. In this season street vendor to shop vendor make this sarbath. They make tender coconut sarbath too.

Nungu Sarbath

Now let us see how to make Nungu sarbath
Nungu Sarbath Recipe:
Preparation time - 10 minutes
Cooking time - no
Serves - 1
Nungu Sarbath Ingredients:
Nungu - 2
Nannari syrup - 2 tablsp
Ice cubes         - 5
Water - 1 cup
Lime juice         - 1 tsp
Nungu Sarbath Method:
Peel the outer layer of nungu(ice apple) and chopped finely.
Nungu Sarbath

Add nannari (sarasaparilla) syrup, water, lime juice, nungu and ice cubes in a serving glass.
Nungu Sarbath

 Mix it well and serve.

Nungu Sarbath

Add syrup and lime juice according to your taste.
I used home made nannari syrup.
I used my garden chinese orange.
Use tender nungu.


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