


Mixed Fruit Raita

Mixed Fruit Raita
Now the summer has started. We all will go in search of juices and cool items. So I thought of posting a cool and healthy raita . Mixed Fruit Raita can be easily made. Everyone will like it, especially children will love it. It contains all fruit which will provide the essential nutrients.  Mild smell of vanilla essence will be appetizing !
Here goes the recipe
Mixed Fruit Raita

Mixed Fruit Raita Ingredients:
Apple                - 1
Orange              - 1
Strawberry        - 4
Banana              - 1
Fresh curd        - 1 cup
Sugar                - 4 tblsp
Vanilla essence  - ¼ tsp
Pudina(Mint)     - few

Mixed Fruit Raita Method:
Peel the fruits and chop into cubes.
Mixed Fruit Raita

Add curd into the bowl and mix it with sugar and vanilla essence.Mix thoroughly till sugar dissolves.
Mixed Fruit Raita

Add chopped fruits one by one and mix well with a fork or spoon.
Mixed Fruit Raita

Garnish with mint leaves and serve chill.

Mixed Fruit Raita

You can mix the curd in the blender also.
Fresh and chill curd is good for this raita.
You can add chat masala also.

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