


Sweet Potato Fry

Sweet Potato Fry / Sakkavalli Kizhangu Roast
Sakkaravalli kizhangu has begun. Sweet Potato is known as Sakkaravalli kizhangu in Tamil. Sakkaravalli kizhangu is my hubby’s favourite vegetable. He likes it because it has rich fibre content and more medicinal properties. Already I have used sakkaravalli kizhangu in pongal kulambu and mandi. I always make poriyal in it. I decided to make various recipes in sakkaravalli kizhangu. So I googled to got a recipe in Sharmi’s passion. I tried it. It came out well. I served with Mor Kulambu and rice.

 Here it is the recipe.

Sweet Potato Fry / Sakkavalli Kizhangu Roast Ingredients:
Sweet Potato - 5
Sambar powder - 2 tsp
Salt - to taste
Oil - 3 tblsp
Mustard - ¼ tsp
Urad dal - ¼ tsp
Sweet Potato Fry / Sakkavalli Kizhangu Roast Method:
Wash and pressure cook sakkaravalli kizhangu. Then peel the skin and chop into ½ inch rounds.

 Add chilli powder, salt and chopped kizhangu in a bowl and mix it well. Heat oil in the frying pan and add mustard and urad dal.

When they crackle add marinated kizhangu and stir well. Cover the pan with a lid and cook. Open the lid often and stir.

Switch off the stove when the raw smell goes and the kizhangu well  roasted.
Don’t overcook Sakkara valli kizhangu.
If you overcook don’t worry. you can make sakkaravalli kizhangu roll.
If you want you can add finely chopped onion also.
If you like spicy taste you can add garam masala powder also.


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