


Nungu Milkshake

Nungu Milkshake / Ice Apple Milkshake
Nungu Milkshake

The Scientific name of palm fruit is Borassus flabellifer. In English it is known as Asian palmyra palm, Cambodian palm, Ice apple, Palmyra palm, Sugar palm and Toddy palm. In Tamil it is known as Nungu.
It is a summer fruit. The fruit contains lot of minerals, especially phosphorous and calcium. It has no fat and protein; it is a boon for those on a diet. Nutritionists say it is good to consume the fruit in its natural form. Eating these over-ripe kernels can bring about a bout of stomach pain. The British named the Palm fruit as ice-apple. The tender fruit resembles ice. It will control the diseases caused by heat.

Nungu Milkshake

Nungu Milkshake Ingredients:
Milk         - 400 ml
Nungu - 2
Rose syrup - 25 ml
Sugar -  2 tblsp
Ice cubes         - 6
Nungu Milkshake Method:
Peel the nungu. Add nungu, rose syrup, sugar and little milk in a mixie and blend well.
Nungu Milkshake

 Then add the remaining milk and blend it for few  seconds.
Nungu Milkshake

Add ice cubes and serve chill.
Nungu Milkshake

You can add sugar according to your taste, because 25 ml rose syrup is not enough for 400 ml milk.
Instead of rose syrup you can add vanilla essence also.
Use tender nungu then only the taste will be good.

Nungu Milkshake


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